national_FPsource_VARCOV_bivarlogitnormal: An array of variance-covariance matrices corresponding to the...

national_FPsource_VARCOV_bivarlogitnormalR Documentation

An array of variance-covariance matrices corresponding to the DHS survey observations for the proportion of modern contraceptives supplied by the public and private sectors at the national level


An array of variance-covariance matrices corresponding to the DHS survey observations for the proportion of modern contraceptives supplied by the public and private sectors at the national level





An array of 2x2 matrices for each of the 558 observations in the national_FPsource_data. Each 2x2 array corresponds to the variance of the public and private sectors on the diagonal and their corresponding covariances on the off-diagonal.


The variance-covariance matrices are calculated using the survey R package: prop_mat <- svyby(~I(sector_categories), ~I(modern_method_source), design=d.s, svymean, covmat=TRUE) vcov_matrix <- vcov(prop_mat) function.

mcmsupply documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:15 a.m.