mdgc-package: mdgc: Missing Data imputation using Gaussian Copulas

mdgc-packageR Documentation

mdgc: Missing Data imputation using Gaussian Copulas


The mdgc package is used to estimate Gaussian Copula models for mixed data types (continuous, binary, ordinal, and multinomial) that can be used for imputations. The main function is the mdgc function. The rest of the functions in the package give the user access to lower level functions.

Examples are provided at The package is still in a development stage and the API may change.


Maintainer: Benjamin Christoffersen (ORCID)

Other contributors:

  • Alan Genz [copyright holder]

  • Frank Bretz [copyright holder]

  • Torsten Hothorn [copyright holder]

  • R-core [copyright holder]

  • Ross Ihaka [copyright holder]


Christoffersen, B., Clements, M., Humphreys, K., & Kjellström, H. (2021). Asymptotically Exact and Fast Gaussian Copula Models for Imputation of Mixed Data Types.

See Also

Useful links:

mdgc documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:31 p.m.