wo89xt: Cross-tabulated concurrent detection data

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This data set contains a slightly coarse-grained version of Table 1 from Wickens and Olzak (1989). For each of four possible combinations of stimuli, participants gave a graded confidence judgement (collapsed here to 1-4) on both dimensions concurrently. A rating of 1 corresponded to "definitely absent" and a rating of 4 corresponded to "definitely present".




an xtabs instance, containing counts for all stimulus-response combinations. For each of 4 Stim levels (where NN = absent+absent, LN = low-frequency signal+absent, NH = absent+high-frequency signal, LH = low-frequency signal+high-frequency signal), there is a 4x4 table giving the frequency of each rating.


Thomas D. Wickens and Lynn A. Olzak


Wickens, T. D., & Olzak, L. A. (1989). The statistical analysis of concurrent detection ratings. Perception & psychophysics, 45(6), 514-528.

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