
#' meanr: Sentiment Analysis Scorer
#' Sentiment analysis is a popular technique in text mining.  Roughly
#' speaking, the technique is an attempt to determine the overall emotional
#' attitude of a piece of text (i.e., positive or negative).  We provide a new
#' implementation of a common method for computing sentiment, whereby words are
#' scored as positive or negative according to a "dictionary", and then an
#' sum of those scores for the document is produced.  We use the 'Hu' and 'Liu'
#' sentiment dictionary for determining sentiment.  The scoring function is
#' 'vectorized' by document, and scores for multiple documents are computed in
#' parallel via 'OpenMP'.
#' @name meanr-package
#' @docType package
#' @author Drew Schmidt
#' @keywords Package

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meanr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:41 a.m.