Man pages for metagen
Inference in Meta Analysis and Meta Regression

bcgVaccineDataExample: Setting up the BCG-data set
boxBiasPlotting performance: Box plots for bias
boxByConfidencePlotting performance: Box plots for target value...
boxByMethodPlotting performance: Box plots for target value...
boxByTypePlotting performance: Box plots for target value...
boxMSEPlotting performance: Box plots for mean squared error
boxSDPlotting performance: Box plots for standard deviation
cbbPaletteColour palettes for colour blind people
cbgPaletteColour palettes for colour blind people
collectAllExperimentsRunning a computer experiment - Collect all the results
collectExperimentsRunning a computer experiment - Collect specific results
designBDesign: Binomial responses
designDDesign: Gaussian responses (unknown heteroscedasticity)
designYDesign: Gaussian responses (known heteroscedasticity)
dvecData generation: Sampling data of clinical trials
experimentDRunning a computer experiment
experimentYRunning a computer experiment
formulaLRegression coefficients: formulaL
formulaRRegression coefficients: formulaR
hConfidenceInference: Based on methods of moments and maximum...
hEstimatesPoint estimates: For the heterogeneity parameter
intervalEstimatesInterval estimates: For the regression coefficients
joinPivotalCoefficientsPivotal distributions: Extract pivots for regression...
joinPivotalHeterogeneityPivotal distributions: Extract pivots for heterogeneity
lenBoxByMethodPlotting performance: Box plot of mean width
lenBoxByTypePlotting performance: Box plot of mean width
lenDenByMethodPlotting performance: Density estimate of mean width
lenDenByTypePlotting performance: Density estimate of mean width
makeConfIntInterval estimates: Generic function
makeConfIntsInterval estimates: Generic function
metagenInference: Analysis of the data set
metagenEmptyInference: Empty skeleton
metagenGeneralisedInference: Based on generalised inference principles.
metaregInference: Based on methods of moments and maximum...
performanceRunning a computer experiment
performanceConfHRunning a computer experiment: Adding performance measures
performanceConfRRunning a computer experiment: Adding performance measures
performancePointHRunning a computer experiment: Adding performance measures
performancePointRRunning a computer experiment: Adding performance measures
pfuncThe p_delta(eta) function.
pivotalStreamSteams of pivotal quantities of the regression coefficient
plotCoefficientIntervalPlot pivots: Interval estimates of the heterogeneity
plotDensityHPivotal distributions: Plot pivotal distribution of...
plotDensityH2Pivotal distributions: Plot pivot density of the...
plotDensityInterceptPivotal distributions: Plot pivotal distribution of...
plotDensityIntercept2Pivotal distributions: Plot pivotal distribution of...
plotDensitySlopePivotal distributions: Plot pivotal distribution of...
plotDensitySlope2Pivotal distributions: Plot pivotal distribution of...
plotHeterogeneityIntervalPlot pivots: Interval estimates of the heterogeneity
plotIntervalEstimatesExample: Plotting interval estimates
plotStudyForestExample: Plotting a forest plot of a data frame
plotStudyQfuncPfuncExample: Plotting the q- and p-function from the dissertation
plotStudySizesExample: Plotting study sizes
plotStudyUnbalanceExample: Plotting study unbalances in group assignments
qfuncThe q_delta(tau) function.
rBData generation: Log-risk-ration of a binomial-Gaussian model
rBinomGaussData generation: Sampling data of clinical trials
rDData generation: Gaussian-Gaussian model
regressionEstimatesPoint estimates: For the regression coefficients
renderRender plot: To PDF
renderSVGRender plot: To SVG
rYData generation: Gaussian-Gaussian model
sctBiasPlotting performance: Scatter plots against heterogeneity
sctMSEPlotting performance: Scatter plots against heterogeneity
sctSDPlotting performance: Scatter plots against heterogeneity
sctVersusCPlotting performance: Scatter plot against heterogeneity
sctVersusHPlotting performance: Scatter plot against heterogeneity
sdmByMethodPlotting performance: Scatter plot against heterogeneity
sdmByTypePlotting performance: Scatter plot against heterogeneity
sdsByMethodPlotting performance: Scatter plot against heteroscedasticity
sdsByTypePlotting performance: Scatter plot against heteroscedasticity
setupExperimentRunning a computer experiment in batch mode
yvecData generation: Sampling data of clinical trials
metagen documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 a.m.