Man pages for metaumbrella
Umbrella Review Package for R

add.evidenceAdd evidence classes to "umbrella" objects
df.HRMeta-analyses exploring the efficacy of several interventions...
df.IRRMeta-analysis exploring adverse events of smoking.
df.ORMeta-analyses exploring a risk factor for neurodevelopmental...
df.OR.multiMeta-analysis of RCTs assessing different dietary...
df.RMeta-analyses of correlational data
df.radua2019Meta-analyses exploring the risk factors for posttraumatic...
df.RRMeta-analysis of the adverse events of antidepressants.
df.SMCMeta-analyses exploring the efficacy of an intervention on a...
df.SMDMeta-analyses exploring the efficacy of surgical and...
df.trainTraining dataset
drop.evidenceRemove evidence classes from an object of class "umbrella"
esb.testPerform some tests for excess of significance
forestForest plots for objects of class "umbrella" or "data.frame" plots for "data.frame" objects
forest.umbrellaForest plots for "umbrella" objects
metaumbrella-packagemetaumbrella: An Umbrella Review Package for R
overlap.primOverlap in primary studies across reviews
print.umbrellaPrint a summary of an object of class "umbrella"
subset.umbrellaCreate a subset of an object of class "umbrella"
summary.umbrellaSynthesize information of an object of class "umbrella" in a...
umbrellaConduct the calculations for an umbrella review
umbrella.guiGraphical User Interface for conducting an umbrella review
umbrella.xlsAutomatically conduct an umbrella review and export results...
union.umbrellaUnion of two objects of class "umbrella"
view.errors.umbrellaDetect incorrect formatting of a dataset
metaumbrella documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:17 p.m.