Man pages for metaviz
Forest Plots, Funnel Plots, and Visual Funnel Plot Inference for Meta-Analysis

brainvolExample data for a meta-analysis of correlations: Human brain...
exrehabExample data for a meta-analysis of dichotomous outcomes:...
funnelinfVisual funnel plot inference for meta-analysis
homeopathExample data for a meta-analysis of standardized mean...
internal_viz_classicforestInternal helper function of viz_forest to create a classic...
internal_viz_rainforestInternal helper function of viz_rainforest and viz_forest to...
internal_viz_thickforestInternal helper function of viz_thickforest and viz_forest to...
metaviz-packagemetaviz: Forest Plots, Funnel Plots, and Visual Funnel Plot...
mozartExample data for a meta-analysis of standardized mean...
viz_forestForest plot variants for meta-analyses
viz_funnelFunnel plot variants for meta-analysis
viz_rainforestRainforest plots for meta-analyses
viz_sunsetSunset (power-enhanced) funnel plot
viz_thickforestThick forest plots for meta-analyses
metaviz documentation built on April 14, 2020, 7:16 p.m.