Man pages for meteo
RFSI & STRK Interpolation for Meteo and Environmental Variables

acc.metric.funAccuracy metrics calculation
cv.rfsiNested k-fold cross-validation for Random Forest Spatial...
cv.strkk-fold cross-validation for spatio-temporal regression...
data.preparePrepare data
dem_twi_srbDigital Elevation Model (DEM) and Topographic Wetness Index...
dprecDaily precipitation amount in mm for July 2011
dslpMean sea level pressure in hPa for July 2011
dsndpDaily snow depth in cm for July 2011
dtempcMean daily temperature in degrees Celsius for July 2011
dtempc_ogimetMean daily temperature in degrees Celsius for the year 2019...
dtemp_maxcMaximum daily temperature in degrees Celsius for July 2011
dtemp_mincMinimum daily temperature in degrees Celsius for July 2011
dwdspDaily mean wind speed in m/s for July 2011
get_coordinatesGet lon/lat coordinates for a specific location name.
get_meteoGet daily, monthly, or annual; aggregated or long-term means...
meteo2STFDFCreate an object of STFDF-class class from two data frames...
near.obsFinds n nearest observations from given locations.
near.obs.soilFinds n nearest observations from given locations for soil...
nlmodis20110704MODIS LST 8 day images image for the Netherlands...
nlmodis20110712MODIS LST 8 day images image for the Netherlands...
NLpolThe Netherlands border polygon from WCAB
pred.rfsiRandom Forest Spatial Interpolation (RFSI) prediction
pred.strkSpatio-temporal regression kriging prediction
regdataDynamic and static covariates for spatio-temporal regression...
rfillspgapsClose gaps of a grid or raster Layer data
rfilltimegapsDisaggregation in the time dimension through the use of...
rfsiRandom Forest Spatial Interpolation (RFSI) model
rm.duplFind point pairs with equal spatial coordinates from...
stationsData frame containing stations' information
stations_ogimetData frame containing stations' information from the OGIMET...
temp_geomCalculate geometrical temperature trend
tgeom2STFDFCalculate geometrical temperature trend
tilingTiling raster or Spatial-class Grid or Pixels object
tregcoefMultiple linear regression coefficients for global and local...
tune.rfsiTuning of Random Forest Spatial Interpolation (RFSI) model
tvgmsSpatio-temporal variogram models for global and local daily...
meteo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:13 a.m.