Man pages for mexhaz
Mixed Effect Excess Hazard Models

adjsurvComputation of direct adjusted survival estimates based on a...
fixefMethod for extracting fixed effects
fixef.mexhazMethod for extracting fixed effects from a mexhaz object
lines.predMexhazLines method for a predMexhaz object
lines.resMexhazLines method for a resMexhaz object
mexhazmexhaz function
mexhaz-packageMixed effect parametric excess hazard models
plot.predMexhazPlot method for a predMexhaz object
plot.resMexhazPlot method for a resMexhaz object
points.predMexhazPoints method for a predMexhaz object
predict.mexhazPredictions based on a mexhaz model
print.mexhazPrint method for a mexhaz object
print.predMexhazPrint method for a predMexhaz object
print.summary.mexhazPrinting method for a summary.mexhaz object
ranefMethod for extracting random effects
ranef.mexhazMethod for extracting random effects from a mexhaz object
riskfuncComputation of hazard ratio and risk ratio estimates based on...
simdatn1Simulated dataset
simdatn2Simulated dataset
summary.mexhazSummary method for a mexhaz object
update.mexhazUpdate of a mexhaz model
vcovMethod for extracting the covariance matrix
vcov.mexhazMethod for extracting the covariance matrix of the fixed...
mexhaz documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 5:08 p.m.