micemd: Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations with Multilevel Data

Addons for the 'mice' package to perform multiple imputation using chained equations with two-level data. Includes imputation methods dedicated to sporadically and systematically missing values. Imputation of continuous, binary or count variables are available. Following the recommendations of Audigier, V. et al (2018) <doi:10.1214/18-STS646>, the choice of the imputation method for each variable can be facilitated by a default choice tuned according to the structure of the incomplete dataset. Allows parallel calculation and overimputation for 'mice'.

Package details

AuthorVincent Audigier [aut, cre] (CNAM MSDMA team), Matthieu Resche-Rigon [aut] (INSERM ECSTRA team), Johanna Munoz Avila [ctb] (Julius Center Methods Group UMC, 2022)
MaintainerVincent Audigier <vincent.audigier@cnam.fr>
LicenseGPL-2 | GPL-3
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the micemd package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

micemd documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 5:07 p.m.