API for microsimulation
Discrete Event Simulation in R and C++, with Tools for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Global functions
.microsimulationLdFlags Man page Source code
.onLoad Man page
.onUnload Man page
BaseDiscreteEventSimulation Man page
BaseDiscreteEventSimulation-class Man page
EventQueue Man page
EventQueue-class Man page
ICER Man page Source code
ICER.SummaryReport Man page Source code
LdFlags Man page Source code
PQueueRef Man page
PQueueRef-class Man page
RNGStream Man page Source code
RNGStream-class Man page
RNGstate Man page Source code
advance.substream Man page
ascii.ICER.SummaryReport Man page Source code
ascii.SummaryReport Man page Source code
callCalibrationPerson Man page Source code
callCalibrationSimulation Man page
callIllnessDeath Man page Source code
callPersonSimulation Man page Source code
callSimplePerson Man page Source code
callSimplePerson2 Man page Source code
discountedInterval Man page Source code
discountedPoint Man page Source code
enum Man page Source code
enum<- Man page
fhcrcData Man page
frontier Man page
inlineCxxPlugin Man page Source code
lines_frontier Man page Source code
microsimulation Man page
microsimulation-package Man page
microsimulation.exit Man page Source code
microsimulation.init Man page Source code
next.user.Random.substream Man page Source code
pqueue Man page Source code
pqueue__cancel Man page
pqueue__clear Man page
pqueue__empty Man page
pqueue__new Man page
pqueue__pop Man page
pqueue__push Man page
print.SummaryReport Man page Source code
print.summary.SummaryReport Man page Source code
r_create_current_stream Man page
r_get_user_random_seed Man page
r_next_rng_substream Man page
r_remove_current_stream Man page
r_rng_advance_substream Man page
r_set_user_random_seed Man page
rbind.SummaryReport Man page Source code
rnormPos Man page Source code
set.user.Random.seed Man page
signed Man page Source code
simulate.survreg Man page Source code
summary.SummaryReport Man page Source code
unsigned Man page Source code
user.Random.seed Man page Source code
with.RNGStream Man page Source code
microsimulation documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:05 p.m.