Man pages for migraph
Multimodal Network Analysis and More

between_centralityMeasures of betweenness-like centrality and centralisation
brokerage_censusCensuses of brokerage motifs
close_centralityMeasures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
closureMeasures of network closure
clusterMethods for equivalence clustering
cohesionMeasures of network cohesion or connectedness
communityCommunity partitioning algorithms
componentsComponent partitioning algorithms
coreCore-periphery clustering algorithms
defunctFunctions that have been renamed, superseded, or are no...
degree_centralityMeasures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
eigenv_centralityMeasures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisation
equivalenceEquivalence clustering algorithms
featuresMeasures of network topological features
heterogeneityMeasures of network diversity
hierarchyGraph theoretic dimensions of hierarchy
holesMeasures of structural holes
isMarking networks based on their properties
kselectMethods for selecting clusters
mark_nodesMarking nodes based on their properties
mark_tiesMarking ties based on their properties
migraph-packagemigraph: Multimodal Network Analysis and More
mpn_bristolMultimodal (3) Bristol protest events, 1990-2002 (Diani and...
mpn_cowOne-mode interstate trade relations and two-mode state...
mpn_elite_mexOne-mode Mexican power elite database (Knoke 1990)
mpn_elite_usaTwo-mode and three-mode American power elite database...
mpn_evsTwo-mode European Values Survey, 1990 and 2008 (EVS 2020)
mpn_ryanairOne-mode EU policy influence network, June 2004...
mpn_senate112Two-mode 112th Congress Senate Voting (Knoke et al. 2021)
network_censusCensuses of motifs at the network level
node_censusCensuses of nodes' motifs
overHelper functions for measuring over splits of networks
playFunctions to play games on networks
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
regressionLinear and logistic regression for network data
testsConditional uniform graph and permutation tests
migraph documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:47 p.m.