migrate: Summarize the migration of a data frame

View source: R/migrate.R

migrateR Documentation

Summarize the migration of a data frame


migrate() summarizes the transition amount (or percentage) of a numeric variable from each beginning credit risk state category to each ending credit risk state, given a data frame input.


  metric = NULL,
  percent = TRUE,
  fill_state = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



A data frame or data frame extension (e.g., a tibble or data.table) containing a minimum of three (3) column variables representing a time, a credit risk state, and an ID identifying the credit facility (we would expect to see most unique values in this column variable appear twice in the dataset; once at the first unique time value and again at the second unique time value, unless the ID only existed at one of those two times).


The column variable of the data data frame argument that contains the unique identifier to track where a particular credit facility migrated to/from. If left null, migrate() will attempt to use the first column variable from the data frame provided in the data argument.


The column variable of in the data data frame representing the timepoint (e.g., a Date) of each observation; this column should contain two unique values (migration from Time A to Time B)


The column variable of the data data frame argument that contains the credit risk state values.


(Optional) The column variable of type "numeric" in the data data frame argument that contains the continuous metric values to weight the state migration by


If FALSE, will calculate the migration on an absolute basis (rather than a percentage basis, which is the default)


(Optional) A value (e.g., a character string such as "No Rating" or "NR") to be used as the filler state for any id values that only exist at one timepoint in the data.


If TRUE, the function returns an informational message about the transition period


A data frame containing three (3) column variables representing the unique combinations of starting & ending credit risk states and the calculated migration observed during the period.


# Return the percent migration of the number of credit facilities
  data = mock_credit,
  id = customer_id,
  time = date,
  state = risk_rating

# Return the absolute migration in `principal_balance`
  data = mock_credit,
  id = customer_id,
  time = date,
  state = risk_rating,
  metric = principal_balance,
  percent = FALSE

# Provide a filler `state` value when a unique `id` is missing a timepoint
  data = head(mock_credit, n = 995),   # drop the last 5 observations
  id = customer_id,
  time = date,
  state = risk_rating,
  fill_state = "NR",
  percent = FALSE

migrate documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:23 p.m.