Man pages for minMSE
Implementation of the minMSE Treatment Assignment Method for One or Multiple Treatment Groups

assign_minMSE_treatmentminMSE Treatment Assignment for One or Multiple Treatment...
assign_treatmentMin MSE Treatment Assignment
count_occurrencesCount of Equal Treatment Vectors
evaluate_solutionEvaluate MSE Equation
evaluate_solution_matrixEvaluate MSE Equation
evaluate_solution.optimEvaluate MSE Equation (using optim)
evaluate_solution_vectorEvaluate MSE Equation
output_fileTXT File That Contains Additional Output Information
plotting_fileCSV File for Saving the Data to Plot
sample_with_prev_treatmentSample Under Consideration of an Already Treated Subset of...
scale_varsCovariate Vectors Scaling
swap_treatmentSwap Treatment
swap_treatment.optimSwap Treatment (using optim)
swap_treatment_prevSwap Treatment
vector_gcdVector Greatest Common Divisor
minMSE documentation built on March 18, 2022, 8:05 p.m.