#' install the mc client
#' @param os operating system
#' @param arch architecture
#' @param path destination where binary is installed.
#' @param force install even if binary is already found.
#' Can be used to force upgrade.
#' @return path to the minio binary (invisibly)
#' @details This function is just a convenience wrapper for prebuilt MINIO
#' binaries, from <>. Should
#' support Windows, Mac, and Linux on both Intel/AMD (amd64) and ARM
#' architectures.
#' For details, see official MINIO docs for your operating system,
#' e.g. <>.
#' NOTE: If you want to install to other than the default location,
#' simply set the option "minioclient.dir", to the appropriate location of the
#' directory containing your "mc" binary, e.g.
#' `options("minioclient.dir" = "~/.mc")`. This is also used as the location
#' of the config directory. Note that this package
#' will not automatically use MINIO available on $PATH (to promote security
#' and portability in design).
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' install_mc()
#' # Force upgrade
#' install_mc(force=TRUE)
#' @export
install_mc <- function(os = system_os(), arch = system_arch(),
path = minio_path(), force = FALSE ) {
os <- switch(os,
"mac" = "darwin",
arch <- switch(arch,
"x86_64" = "amd64",
"aarch64" = "arm64",
bin <- switch(os,
"windows" = "mc.exe",
type <- glue::glue("{os}-{arch}")
binary <- fs::path(path, bin)
if (file.exists(binary) && !force) {
return(invisible(binary)) # Already installed
if (!file.exists(path)) {
dest = binary, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
fs::file_chmod(binary, "+x")
minio_path <- function() {
tools::R_user_dir("minioclient", "data")
system_os <- function () {
system_arch <- function () {
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