Man pages for miraculix
Algebraic and Statistical Functions for Genetics

as.genomicTransform a Matrix to a Compressed Matrix
as.haploTransform a Haplotype Vector to a Compressed Haplotype Vector
genoManipulating Compressed Matrices
genomicmatrix-classClass 'genomicmatrix'
haplomatrix.classClass 'haplomatrix'
has.instruction.setCPU instruction set
MoBPSFunctions designed for the R package 'MoBPS'
relMatrixFast calculation of the Genomic Relationship Matrix and its...
RFoptionsSetting control arguments
rhaploGeneration of Random Haplotype Matrix
scanningScan Statistics
vector012matrixmultiplication from left of 012 vector with a matrix
vectorGenoMultiplication of a vector to a compressed SNP matrix
miraculix documentation built on Sept. 22, 2021, 5:07 p.m.