Man pages for misc3d
Miscellaneous 3D Plots

computeContour3dCompute Isosurface, a Three Dimension Contour
contour3dDraw an Isosurface, a Three Dimension Contour Plot
drawSceneRendering of Triangular Mesh Surface Data
exportSceneWriting Out Triangular Mesh Scenes
image3dDraw Points on a 3D Grid
kde3dCompute a Three Dimension Kernel Density Estimate
lightingLighting Functions
linesTetrahedraCreate a Set of Lines with Tetrahetra Centered at Points...
parametric3dDraw a 3D Parametric Plot
pointsTetrahedraCreate a Set of Tetrahetra Centered at Data Points
slices3dInteractive Image Slices of 3D or 4D Volume Data
surfaceTrianglesCreate a Triangle Mesh Representing a Surface
teapotUtah Teapot
trianglesTriangle Mesh Functions
misc3d documentation built on Oct. 8, 2021, 1:06 a.m.