Man pages for misclassGLM
Computation of Generalized Linear Models with Misclassified Covariates Using Side Information

boot.misclassGLMCompute Bootstrapped Standard Errors for 'misclassGLM' Fits
boot.misclassMlogitCompute Bootstrapped Standard Errors for 'misclassMlogit'...
mfx.misclassGLMCompute Marginal Effects for 'misclassGLM' Fits
mfx.misclassMlogitCompute Marginal Effects for 'misclassMlogit' Fits
misclassGLMGLM estimation under misclassified covariate
misclassGLM-packagemisclassGLM: Computation of Generalized Linear Models with...
misclassMlogitMlogit estimation under misclassified covariate
predict.misclassGLMPredict Method for 'misclassGLM' Fits
predict.misclassMlogitPredict Method for 'misclassMlogit' Fits
simulate_GLM_datasetSimulate a Data Set to Use With 'misclassGLM'
simulate_mlogit_datasetSimulate a Data Set to Use With 'misclassMlogit'
misclassGLM documentation built on Nov. 19, 2023, 9:06 a.m.