Man pages for missMDA
Handling Missing Values with Multivariate Data Analysis

estim_ncpFAMDEstimate the number of dimensions for the Factorial Analysis...
estim_ncpMCAEstimate the number of dimensions for the Multiple...
estim_ncpMultilevelEstimate the number of dimensions for the Multilevel PCA,...
estim_ncpPCAEstimate the number of dimensions for the Principal Component...
geneGene expression
genoGenotype-environment data set with missing values
imputeCAImpute contingency table
imputeFAMDImpute mixed dataset
imputeMCAImpute categorical dataset
imputeMFAImpute dataset with variables structured into groups of...
imputeMultilevelImpute a multilevel mixed dataset
imputePCAImpute dataset with PCA
MIFAMDMultiple Imputation with FAMD
MIMCAMultiple Imputation with MCA
MIPCAMultiple Imputation with PCA
missMDA-packageHandling missing values with/in multivariate data analysis...
orangeSensory description of 12 orange juices by 8 attributes.
OverimputeOverimputation diagnostic plot
ozoneDaily measurements of meteorological variables and ozone...
plot.MIMCAPlot the graphs for the Multiple Imputation in MCA
plot.MIPCAPlot the graphs for the Multiple Imputation in PCA
prelimConverts a dataset imputed by MIMCA, MIPCA or MIFAMD into a...
snorenaCharacterization of people who snore
TitanicNACategorical data set with missing values: Survival of...
vnfQuestionnaire done by 1232 individuals who answered 14...
missMDA documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 5:07 p.m.