Man pages for mistr
Mixture and Composite Distributions

autoggplot_comp_fitAutoplot of Fitted Distributions Using ggplot2
autoplot.distAutoplot of Distributions Using ggplot2
betadistCreates an Object Representing Beta Distribution
binomdistCreates an Object Representing Binomial Distribution.
breakpointsExtract Model Breakpoints
BurrThe Burr Distribution
burrdistCreates an Object Representing Burr Distribution
cauchydistCreates an Object Representing Cauchy Distribution.
chisqdistCreates an Object Representing Chi-Squared Distribution
compdistCreates an Object Representing Composite Distribution
dDensity Function
distrafoTransformation of a Distribution Object
distributionExtract Distribution of Fitted Model
expdistCreates an Object Representing Exponential Distribution
fdistCreates an Object Representing F Distribution
FrechetThe Frechet Distribution
frechetdistCreates an Object Representing Frechet Distribution
gammadistCreates an Object Representing Gamma Distribution
geomdistCreates an Object Representing Geometric Distribution
get_optGet Parameters
GNG_fitFitting a GPD-Normal-GPD Model
GPDThe Generalized Pareto Distribution
GPDdistCreates an Object Representing Generalized Pareto...
GumbelThe Gumbel Distribution
gumbeldistCreates an Object Representing Gumbel Distribution
hyperdistCreates an Object Representing Hypergeometric Distribution
is.compositeReports whether O is a Composite Distribution Object
is.continReports whether O is a Continuous Distribution Object
is.discreteReports whether O is a Discrete Distribution Object
is.distReports whether O is a Distribution Object
is.mixtureReports whether O is a Mixture Distribution Object
is.standardReports whether O is a Standard Distribution Object
is.transformedReports whether O is a Transformed Distribution Object
jumpsProbability mass points
last_historyReturns the Last Element from History List
lnormdistCreates an Object Representing Log Normal Distribution.
mistrmistr: A Computational Framework for Univariate Mixture and...
mistr_d_p_q_rMistr d/p/q/r Wrappers
mistr_themeMistr Theme for Ggplot
mixdistCreates an Object Representing Mixture Distribution
monotMonotonicity of Transformation
multinomdistCreates an Object Representing Multinomial Distribution
nbinomdistCreates an Object Representing Negative Binomial Distribution
new_distCreates New Distribution Object
normdistCreates an Object Representing Normal Distribution
pDistribution Function
parametersExtract Model Parameters
ParetoThe Pareto Distribution
paretodistCreates an Object Representing Pareto Distribution
plimLeft-Hand Limit of Distribution Function
plotAutoplot of Distributions
plot_comp_fitAutoplot of Fitted Distributions
plotggAutoplot of Distributions Using ggplot2
PNP_fitFitting a Pareto-Normal-Pareto Model
poisdistCreates an Object Representing Poisson Distribution
qQuantile Function
q_approxfunQuantile Function Approximation
q.defaultTerminate an R Session
qlimRight-Hand Limit of Quantile Function
qlim_mixdistRight-Hand Limit of Mixture Quantile Function
q_mixdistQuantile Function of a Mixture Model
QQplotQuantile-Quantile Plot
QQplotggImplementation of Quantile-Quantile Plot with ggplot2
rRandom Generation
riskRisk Measures of Fitted Objects
set_optSet Parameters
stocksLog-returns of Five Stocks
sudo_supportSupport Interval of Distribution Object
summaryDisplays a Useful Description of a Distribution Object
summary_comp_fitDisplays a Useful Description of a Fitted Object
tdistCreates an Object Representing Student-t Distribution
trafoModifications of Transformations
unifdistCreates an Object Representing Uniform Distribution
untrafoUntransformation of a Distribution Object
weibulldistCreates an Object Representing Weibull Distribution
wilcoxdistCreates an Object Representing Wilcoxon Distribution
mistr documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:42 p.m.