build_edges: Extract relationships between standards as edges in a data...

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/mitre.R


from : node id of edge start to : node id of edge end from_std : standard id of edge start to_std : standard id of edge end value : When a value is set, the nodes will be scaled using the options in the scaling object defined above. title : The title is shown in a pop-up when the mouse moves over the edge. arrows : To draw an arrow with default settings a string can be supplied. For example: 'to, from,middle' or 'to;from', any combination with any separating symbol is fine. If you want to control the size of the arrowheads, you can supply an object. dashes : When true, the edge will be drawn as a dashed line. color : Color for the node. hidden : When true, the node will not be shown. It will still be part of the physics simulation though!


build_edges(verbose = FALSE)



logical, FALSE by default. Change it to see the process messages.



mitre documentation built on May 21, 2021, 9:07 a.m.