mixAR_BIC: BIC based model selection for MixAR models

View source: R/mixAR_diag.R

mixAR_BICR Documentation

BIC based model selection for MixAR models


BIC calculations for mixture autoregressive models.


mixAR_BIC(y, model, fix = NULL, comp_loglik = TRUE, index)
BIC_comp(x, y)



a time series.


the model for which to calculate BIC, an object inheriting from class MixAR. Alternatively, an output list from fit_mixAR.


If fix = "shift" shift parameters are not included in calculation of BIC. Default is NULL, i.e. shift parameters are included.


Should the loglikelihood be calculated? Default is TRUE. If FALSE and model is output of fit_mixAR, then the loglikelihood is not recalculated.


Discard the first 1:index observations. If missing, index is set to the largest AR order.


a list containing a combination of MixAR objects and/or output lists from fit_mixAR.


mixAR_BIC calculates the BIC criterion of a given MixAR object with respect to a specified time series.

If index is specified, it has to be at least equal to the largest autoregressive order. The function calculates BIC on the last (index + 1):n data points.

BIC_comp calculates the value of BIC for the models listed in x with respect to the specified time series y.

If the distributions of the components contain estimated parameters, then their number is included in the number of parameters for the calculation of BIC.


If comp_loglik = TRUE, the function calculates BIC based on the given model, data and index.

If comp_loglik = FALSE and model is output from fit_mixAR, it returns object vallogf from that list.


Davide Ravagli


model1 <- new("MixARGaussian", prob = c(0.5, 0.5), scale = c(1, 2),
              arcoef = list(-0.5, 1.1))

model2 <- new("MixARGaussian", prob = c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2), scale = c(1, 3, 8),
              arcoef = list(c(-0.5, 0.5), 1, 0.4))

y <- mixAR_sim(model1, 400, c(0, 0, 0), nskip = 100)

mixAR_BIC(y, model1)

model_fit1 <- fit_mixAR(y, model1)
model_fit2 <- fit_mixAR(y, model2, crit = 1e-4)

mixAR_BIC(y, model_fit1)
mixAR_BIC(y, model_fit2)

BIC_comp(list(model1, model2, model_fit1, model_fit2), y)

mixAR_BIC(y, model_fit1, index = 20)
mixAR_BIC(y, model_fit2, index = 20)

mixAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:21 a.m.