main_loop_st: STPCM Internal C++ Call

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main_loop_stR Documentation

STPCM Internal C++ Call


This function is the internal C++ function call within the stpcm function. This is a raw C++ function call, meaning it has no checks for proper inputs so it may fail to run without giving proper errors. Please ensure all arguements are valid. main_loop_st is useful for writing parallizations of the stpcm function. All arguement descriptions are given in terms of their corresponding C++ types.


main_loop_st(X, G, model_id, 
        model_type, in_zigs, 
        in_nmax, in_l_tol, in_m_iter_max,
        in_m_tol, anneals,
        t_burn = 5L) 



A matrix or data frame such that rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables. Note that this function currently only works with multivariate data p > 1.


A single positive integer value representing number of groups.


An integer representing the model_id, is useful for keeping track within parallizations. Not to be confused with model_type.


The type of covariance model you wish to run. Lexicon is given as follows: "0" = "EII", "1" = "VII", "2" = "EEI" , "3" = "EVI", "4" = "VEI", "5" = "VVI", "6" = "EEE", "7" = "VEE", "8" = "EVE", "9" = "EEV", "10" = "VVE", "11" = "EVV", "12" = "VEV", "13" = "VVV"


A n times G a posteriori matrix resembling the probability of observation i belonging to group G. Rows must sum to one, have the proper dimensions, and be positive.


Positive integer value resembling the maximum amount of iterations for the EM.


A likelihood tolerance for convergence.


For certain models, where applicable, the number of iterations for the maximization step.


For certain models, where applicable, the tolerance for the maximization step.


A vector of doubles representing the deterministic annealing settings.


A positive integer representing the number of burn steps if missing data (NAs) are detected.


If "standard", it will use the standard E step for latent variable of a Normal Variance Mean Mixture, if "random" it will run a random draw from a GIG distribution.


Be extremly careful running this function, it is known to crash systems without proper exception handling. Consider using the package parallel to estimate all possible models at the same time. Or run several possible initializations with random seeds.



a postereori matrix


An integer representing the number of groups.


A vector of covariance matrices for each group (note you may have to reshape this)


A vector of locational vectors for each group


A vector of skewness vectors for each group


Gamma parameters for each group


Nik Pocuca, Ryan P. Browne and Paul D. McNicholas.

Maintainer: Paul D. McNicholas <>


McNicholas, P.D. (2016), Mixture Model-Based Classification. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press

Browne, R.P. and McNicholas, P.D. (2014). Estimating common principal components in high dimensions. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 8(2), 217-226.

Wei, Y., Tang, Y. and McNicholas, P.D. (2019), 'Mixtures of generalized hyperbolic distributions and mixtures of skew-t distributions for model-based clustering with incomplete data', Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 130, 18-41.

Zhou, H. and Lange, K. (2010). On the bumpy road to the dominant mode. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 37, 612-631.

Celeux, G., Govaert, G. (1995). Gaussian parsimonious clustering models. Pattern Recognition 28(5), 781-793.


## Not run: 

data_in = as.matrix(sx2,ncol = 2)
n_iter = 300

in_g = 2
n = dim(data_in)[1]
model_string <- "VEI"
in_model_type <- switch(model_string, "EII" = 0,"VII" = 1,  
              "EEI" = 2,  "EVI" = 3,  "VEI" = 4,  "VVI" = 5,  "EEE" = 6,  
              "VEE" = 7,  "EVE" = 8,  "EEV" = 9,  "VVE" = 10,
              "EVV" = 11,"VEV" = 12,"VVV" = 13)

zigs_in <- z_ig_random_soft(n,in_g)

m2 = main_loop_st(X = t(data_in), # data in has to be in column major form
               G = 2, # number of groups
               model_id = 1, # model id for parallelization later
               model_type = in_model_type,
               in_zigs = zigs_in, # initializaiton
               in_nmax = n_iter, # number of iterations
               in_l_tol = 0.5, # likilihood tolerance
               in_m_iter_max = 20, # maximium iterations for matrices
               in_m_tol = 1e-8) 

plot(sx2,col = MAP(m2$zigs) + 1, cex = 0.5, pch = 20)

## End(Not run)

mixture documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:47 a.m.