
Defines functions extptr_is_null mixvlmc_sample2 mixvlmc_sample kl_crit forward_match_all_ctx_counts before after

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#' Find a double just after another one
#' This function returns a vector of values that are the "just after" the ones
#' given in input: a is just after b is a is the smallest double strictly
#' larger than b. This is implement with the \code{nextafter} C++ function.
#' @param x vector of values
#' @return vector of just after values
#' @noRd
after <- function(x) {
    .Call('_mixvlmc_after', PACKAGE = 'mixvlmc', x)

#' Find a double just before another one
#' This function returns a vector of values that are the "just before" the ones
#' given in input: a is just before b is a is the largest double strictly
#' smaller than b. This is implement with the \code{nextafter} C++ function.
#' @param x vector of values
#' @return vector of just before values
#' @noRd
before <- function(x) {
    .Call('_mixvlmc_before', PACKAGE = 'mixvlmc', x)

#' Find values in a vector
#' This function counts and reports all the positions of the accepted values in a vector.
#' The vector must contain only integers from 0 to \code{nb_vals}-1. The output of the function
#' is a list with two components:
#' 1) \code{positions}: a list of nb_vals vectors. Component k of the list contains
#'     the positions of all the k-1 in \code{x} (using C++ convention, positions start at 0)
#' 2) \code{counts}: a matrix of size nb_vals times nb_vals. Entry [k, l] gives the number of
#'    times k-1 is followed by l-1 in \code{x}
#' The function operates in two modes:
#' 1) if nv_from is NULL (default case), the function reports the positions and the counts exactly
#'    as described above. The \code{depth} parameter is not used.
#' 2) if ny_from is not NULL, it contains reference positions for the search.
#'    The reported positions correspond to occurrences of the values just before a position
#'    in nv_from. For instance if nv_from = c(2, 4) (c++ indexing from 0) and
#'    x = c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1), the function only looks are positions 1 and 3 in x,
#'    which contain both 1. Thus the positions list will have an empty vector in component 1
#'    (no occurrence of 0) and c(1, 3) for component 2.
#'    Entry [k, l] of the counts matrix still counts the occurrences of l following
#'    an occurrence of k, but with a shift of depth+1. In the previous example, if depth=1,
#'    we consider positions c(3, 5) and therefore counts[2,2]=2 (all other values are 0).
#' @param x the vector in which contexts are searched for.
#' @param nb_vals defines the interval of expected values from 0 to \code{nb_vals}-1.
#' @param depth shift in the occurrence counts.
#' @param nv_from starting positions for the search.
#' @return a list described above.
#' @noRd
forward_match_all_ctx_counts <- function(x, nb_vals, depth = 0L, nv_from = NULL) {
    .Call('_mixvlmc_forward_match_all_ctx_counts', PACKAGE = 'mixvlmc', x, nb_vals, depth, nv_from)

kl_crit <- function(p, q) {
    .Call('_mixvlmc_kl_crit', PACKAGE = 'mixvlmc', p, q)

mixvlmc_sample <- function(p, n) {
    .Call('_mixvlmc_mixvlmc_sample', PACKAGE = 'mixvlmc', p, n)

mixvlmc_sample2 <- function(p, n) {
    .Call('_mixvlmc_mixvlmc_sample2', PACKAGE = 'mixvlmc', p, n)

extptr_is_null <- function(ptr) {
    .Call('_mixvlmc_extptr_is_null', PACKAGE = 'mixvlmc', ptr)

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mixvlmc documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:32 p.m.