mlVAR: Multilevel VAR Estimation for Multiple Time Series

View source: R/mlVAR.R

mlVARR Documentation

Multilevel VAR Estimation for Multiple Time Series


The function mlVAR computes estimates of the multivariate vector autoregression model. This model returns three stuctures: temporal effects (e.g., lag-1 regression weights), contemporaneous relationships (correlations or partial correlations) and between-subject effects (correlations and partial correlations). See details.


mlVAR(data, vars, idvar, lags = 1, dayvar, beepvar,
                 estimator = c("default", "lmer", "lm","Mplus"),
                 contemporaneous = c("default", "correlated",
                 "orthogonal", "fixed", "unique"), temporal =
                 c("default", "correlated", "orthogonal", "fixed",
                 "unique"), nCores = 1, verbose = TRUE, compareToLags,
                 scale = TRUE, scaleWithin = FALSE, AR = FALSE, 
                 MplusSave = TRUE, MplusName = "mlVAR", iterations = "(2000)", 
                 chains = nCores, signs, orthogonal



Data frame


Vectors of variables to include in the analysis


String indicating the subject ID


Vector indicating the lags to include


String indicating assessment day. Adding this argument makes sure that the first measurement of a day is not regressed on the last measurement of the previous day. IMPORTANT: only add this if the data has multiple observations per day.


Optional string indicating assessment beep per day. Adding this argument will cause non-consecutive beeps to be treated as missing!


The estimator to be used. "lmer" for sequential univariate multi-level estimation, "Mplus" for multivariate Bayesian estimation (requires Mplus), and "lm" for fixed effects estimation.


How should the contemporaneous networks be estimated? These networks are always estimated post-hoc by investigating the residuals of the temporal models. "correlated" and "orthogonal" run second multi-level models in which the networks are estimated using node-wise estimation. "fixed" and "unique" simply correlate the residuals, either by computing one network for all subjects (fixed) or a single network per per subject.


How should the temporal effects be estimated? "correlated" estimates correlated random effects, "orthogonal" estimates non-correlated random effects and "fixed" estimates a model in which only the intercept is random. Defaults to "correlated" when the number of variables is less than 6 and "orthogonal" otherwise. "unique" uses lm to estimate an unique model for each subject.


Number of cores to use in computation


Logical indicating if console messages and the progress bar should be shown.


Logical, should variables be standardized before estimation?


Logial, should variables be scaled within-person (set to FALSE to only center within-person)


A vector indicating which lags to base the data on. If the model is to be compared with a model with multiple lags using mlVARcompare, this argument must be used to make sure the number of observations is the same in both models (e.g., a lag 1 model can model the second observation of a day and a lag-2 model can't, causing different number of observations and incomparable models). It is suggested to not use this argument unless you want to compare models, and always run mlVAR without using this argument afterwards in the selected model.


Logical, should an auto-regression only model be fitted?


Logical, should the Mplus model file and output be saved?


Name of the Mplus model file and output (without extensions)


The string used to define the number of iterations in Mplus


Number of Mplus chains


Optional matrix fixing the signs of contemporaneous correlations. Is estimated by running mlVAR with estimator = "lmer" if missing.


Deprecated argument only added for backward competability. Ignore.


This function estimates the multi-level VAR model to obtain temporal, contemporaneous and between-subject effects using nodewise estimation. Temporal and between-subject effects are obtained directly from the models and contemporaneous effects are estimated post-hoc by correlating the residuals. See for details.

Setting estimator = "Mplus" will generate a Mplus model, run the analysis and read the results into R. Mplus 8 is required for this estimation. It is recommended to set contemporaneous = "fixed", though not required. For the estimation of contemporaneous random effects, the signs of contemporaneous *correlations * (not partial correlations) need be set (or estimated) via the signs argument.


An mlVAR object


Sacha Epskamp (


Bringmann, L. F., Vissers, N., Wichers, M., Geschwind, N., Kuppens, P., Peeters, F., ... & Tuerlinckx, F. (2013). A network approach to psychopathology: New insights into clinical longitudinal data. PloS one, 8(4), e60188.

Hamaker, E. L., & Grasman, R. P. (2014). To center or not to center? Investigating inertia with a multilevel autoregressive model. Frontiers in psychology, 5.

Epskamp, S., Waldorp, L. J., Mottus, R., & Borsboom, D. (2017). Discovering Psychological Dynamics: The Gaussian Graphical Model in Cross-sectional and Time-series Data.

See Also

mlVARcompare, summary.mlVAR, plot.mlVAR


## Not run: 
### Small example ###
# Simulate data:
Model <- mlVARsim(nPerson = 50, nNode = 3, nTime = 50, lag=1)

# Estimate using correlated random effects:
fit1 <- mlVAR(Model$Data, vars = Model$vars, idvar = Model$idvar, lags = 1, temporal = "correlated")

# Print some pointers:

# Summary of all parameter estimates:

# Compare temporal relationships:
plot(Model, "temporal", title = "True temporal relationships", layout = "circle")
plot(fit1, "temporal", title = "Estimated temporal relationships", layout = "circle")

# Compare contemporaneous partial correlations:
plot(Model, "contemporaneous", title = "True contemporaneous relationships", 
    layout = "circle")
plot(fit1, "contemporaneous", title = "Estimated contemporaneous relationships", 
    layout = "circle")

# Compare between-subjects partial correlations:
plot(Model, "between", title = "True between-subjects relationships", layout = "circle")
plot(fit1, "between", title = "Estimated between-subjects relationships", 
    layout = "circle")

# Run same model with non-correlated temporal relationships and fixed-effect model:
fit2 <- mlVAR(Model$Data, vars = Model$vars, idvar = Model$idvar, lags = 1, 
    temporal = "orthogonal")
fit3 <- mlVAR(Model$Data, vars = Model$vars, idvar = Model$idvar, lags = 1, 
    temporal = "fixed")

# Compare models:

# Inspect true parameter correlation matrix:
# Even though correlations are high, orthogonal model works well often!

### Large example ###
Model <- mlVARsim(nPerson = 100, nNode = 10, nTime = 100,lag=1)

# Correlated random effects no longer practical. Use orthogonal or fixed:
fit4 <- mlVAR(Model$Data, vars = Model$vars, idvar = Model$idvar, lags = 1, 
    temporal = "orthogonal")
fit5 <- mlVAR(Model$Data, vars = Model$vars, idvar = Model$idvar, lags = 1, 
    temporal = "fixed")

# Compare models:
mlVARcompare(fit4, fit5)

# Compare temporal relationships:
plot(Model, "temporal", title = "True temporal relationships", layout = "circle")
plot(fit4, "temporal", title = "Estimated temporal relationships", layout = "circle")

# Compare contemporaneous partial correlations:
plot(Model, "contemporaneous", title = "True contemporaneous relationships", 
    layout = "circle")
plot(fit4, "contemporaneous", title = "Estimated contemporaneous relationships", 
    layout = "circle")

# Compare between-subjects partial correlations:
plot(Model, "between", title = "True between-subjects relationships", layout = "circle")
plot(fit4, "between", title = "Estimated between-subjects relationships", 
    layout = "circle")

## End(Not run)

mlVAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:15 a.m.

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