Man pages for mlbench
Machine Learning Benchmark Problems an mlbench object to a dataframe
bayesclassBayes classifier
BostonHousingBoston Housing Data
BreastCancerWisconsin Breast Cancer Database
DNAPrimate splice-junction gene sequences (DNA)
GlassGlass Identification Database
HouseVotes84United States Congressional Voting Records 1984
IonosphereJohns Hopkins University Ionosphere database
LetterRecognitionLetter Image Recognition Data
mlbench.2dnormals2-dimensional Gaussian Problem
mlbench.cassiniCassini: A 2 Dimensional Problem
mlbench.circleCircle in a Square Problem
mlbench.cuboidsCuboids: A 3 Dimensional Problem
mlbench.friedman1Benchmark Problem Friedman 1
mlbench.friedman2Benchmark Problem Friedman 2
mlbench.friedman3Benchmark Problem Friedman 3
mlbench.hypercubeCorners of Hypercube
mlbench.peakPeak Benchmark Problem
mlbench.ringnormRingnorm Benchmark Problem
mlbench.shapesShapes in 2d
mlbench.simplexCorners of d-dimensional Simplex
mlbench.smileyThe Smiley
mlbench.spiralsTwo Spirals Benchmark Problem
mlbench.threenormThreenorm Benchmark Problem
mlbench.twonormTwonorm Benchmark Problem
mlbench.waveformWaveform Database Generator
mlbench.xorContinuous XOR Benchmark Problem
OzoneLos Angeles ozone pollution data, 1976
PimaIndiansDiabetesPima Indians Diabetes Database
plot.mlbenchPlot mlbench objects
SatelliteLandsat Multi-Spectral Scanner Image Data
ServoServo Data
ShuttleShuttle Dataset (Statlog version)
SonarSonar, Mines vs. Rocks
SoybeanSoybean Database
VehicleVehicle Silhouettes
VowelVowel Recognition (Deterding data)
ZooZoo Data
mlbench documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:49 a.m.