getC: Auxiliary function used by MLSOL and MLUL. For each instance...

View source: R/utils.R

getCR Documentation

Auxiliary function used by MLSOL and MLUL. For each instance in the dataset, we compute, for each label, the proportion of neighbors having an opposite class with respect to the proper instance


Auxiliary function used by MLSOL and MLUL. For each instance in the dataset, we compute, for each label, the proportion of neighbors having an opposite class with respect to the proper instance


getC(D, d, neighbors, k)



mld mldr object with the multilabel dataset to preprocess


Vector with the instances of the dataset which have one or more label active (ideally, all of them)


Structure with the neighbors of every instance in the dataset


Number of neighbors taken into account for each instance


A structure with the proportion of neighbors having an opposite class with respect to an instance and label

mldr.resampling documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 5:11 p.m.