Man pages for mlearning
Machine Learning Algorithms with Unified Interface and Confusion Matrices

confusionConstruct and analyze confusion matrices
mlearningMachine learning model for (un)supervised classification or...
mlearning-packageMachine Learning Algorithms with Unified Interface and...
mlKnnSupervised classification using k-nearest neighbor
mlLdaSupervised classification using linear discriminant analysis
mlLvqSupervised classification using learning vector quantization
mlNaiveBayesSupervised classification using naive Bayes
mlNnetSupervised classification and regression using neural network
mlQdaSupervised classification using quadratic discriminant...
mlRforestSupervised classification and regression using random forest
mlRpartSupervised classification and regression using recursive...
mlSvmSupervised classification and regression using support vector...
plot.confusionPlot a confusion matrix
priorGet or set priors on a confusion matrix
responseGet the response variable for a mlearning object
trainGet the training variable for a mlearning object
mlearning documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 1:09 a.m.