Man pages for mlergm
Multilevel Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

classesPolish school classes data set.
gof.mlergmEvaluate the goodness-of-fit of an estimated model.
is.gof_mlergmCheck if object is of class 'gof_mlergm'
is.inCHv3.9Determine whether a vector is in the closure of the convex...
is.mlergmCheck if the object is of class 'mlergm'
is.mlnetCheck if object is of class 'mlnet'
mlergmMultilevel Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
mlnetMultilevel Network
plot.gof_mlergmPlot goodness-of-fit results
print.gof_mlergmPrint summary of a 'gof_mlergm' object.
set_optionsSet and adjust options and settings.
simulate_mlnetSimulate a multilevel network
mlergm documentation built on Aug. 23, 2021, 5:06 p.m.