Getting Started


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This package adds resampling methods for the {mlr3} package framework suited for spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal data. These methods can help to reduce the influence of autocorrelation on performance estimates when performing cross-validation. While this article gives a rather technical introduction to the package, a more applied approach can be found in the mlr3book section on "Spatiotemporal Analysis".

After loading the package via library("mlr3spatiotempcv"), the spatiotemporal resampling methods and example tasks provided by {mlr3spatiotempcv} are available to the user alongside the default {mlr3} resampling methods and tasks.

Creating a spatial Task

To make use of spatial resampling methods, a {mlr3} task that is aware of its spatial characteristic needs to be created. Two Task child classes exist in {mlr3spatiotempcv} for this purpose:

To create one of these, you have multiple options:

  1. Use the constructor of the Task directly via $new() - this only works for data.table backends (!)
  2. Use the as_task_* converters (e.g. if your data is stored in an sf object)

We recommend the latter, as the as_task_* converters aim to make task construction easier, e.g., by creating the DataBackend (which is required to create a Task in {mlr3}) automatically and setting the crs and coordinate_names fields. Let's assume your (point) data is stored in with an sf object, which is a common scenario for spatial analysis in R.

# create 'sf' object
data_sf = sf::st_as_sf(ecuador, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 32717)

# create `TaskClassifST` from `sf` object
task = as_task_classif_st(data_sf, id = "ecuador_task", target = "slides", positive = "TRUE")

You can also use a plain data.frame. In this case, crs and coordinate_names need to be passed along explicitly as they cannot be inferred directly from the sf object:

task = as_task_classif_st(ecuador, id = "ecuador_task", target = "slides",
  positive = "TRUE", coordinate_names = c("x", "y"), crs = 32717)

The *ST task family prints a subset of the coordinates by default:


All *ST tasks can be treated as their super class equivalents TaskClassif or TaskRegr in subsequent {mlr3} modeling steps.

Contributed reflections by {mlr3spatiotempcv}

In {mlr3}, dictionaries are used for overview purposes of available methods. The following sections show which dictionaries get appended with new entries when loading {mlr3spatiotempcv}.

Task Type


Task Column Roles


Resampling Methods

and their respective repeated versions. See for the full dictionary.

Examples Tasks

Upstream Packages and Scientific References

The following table lists all spatiotemporal methods implemented in {mlr3spatiotempcv} (or {mlr3}), their upstream R package and scientific references. All methods besides "spcv_buffer" also have a corresponding "repeated" method.

+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Category | (Package) Method Name | Reference | mlr3 Notation | +================================+===============================================+===================+==============================================================================+ | Buffering, spatial | (blockCV) Spatial Buffering | @valavi2018 | mlr_resamplings_spcv_buffer | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Buffering, spatial | (sperrorest) Spatial Disc | @brenning2012 | mlr_resamplings_spcv_disc | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Blocking, spatial | (blockCV) Spatial Blocking | @valavi2018 | mlr_resamplings_spcv_block | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Blocking, spatial | (sperrorest) Spatial Tiles | @valavi2018 | mlr_resamplings_spcv_tiles | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Clustering, spatial | (sperrorest) Spatial CV | @brenning2012 | mlr_resamplings_spcv_coords | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Clustering, spatial | (CAST) KNNDM | @linnenbrink2023 | mlr_resamplings_spcv_knndm | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Clustering, feature-space | (blockCV) Environmental Blocking | @valavi2018 | mlr_resamplings_spcv_env | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grouping, predefined inds | (mlr3) Predefined partitions | | mlr_resamplings_custom_cv | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grouping, spatiotemporal | (mlr3) via col_roles "group" | | mlr_resamplings_cv, Task$set_col_roles(<variable>, "group") | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grouping, spatiotemporal | (CAST) Leave-Location-and-Time-Out | @meyer2018 | mlr_resamplings_sptcv_cstf, Task$set_col_roles(<variable>, "space|time") | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+


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mlr3spatiotempcv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:30 a.m.