Man pages for mme
Multinomial Mixed Effects Models

addtolistAdd items from a list
addtomatrixAdd rows from a matrix
ciStandard deviation and p-values of the estimated model...
data.mmeFunction to generate matrices and the initial values
FbetafInverse of the Fisher information matrix of the fixed and...
Fbetaf.ctInverse of the Fisher information matrix of fixed and random...
Fbetaf.itThe inverse of the Fisher information matrix of the fixed and...
initial.valuesInitial values for fitting algorithm to estimate the fixed...
mmedataCreate objects of class mmedata
mme-packageMultinomial Mixed Effects Models
modelChoose between the three models
modelfit1Function used to fit Model 1
modelfit2Function to fit Model 2
modelfit3Function used to fit Model 3
msebBias and MSE using parametric bootstrap
msefAnalytic MSE for Model 1
msef.ctAnalytic MSE for Model 3
msef.itAnalytic MSE for Model 2
omegaModel correlation matrix for Model 3
phi.directVariance components for Model 1 components for Model 3 components for Model 2
phi.multInitial values for the variance components for Model 1
phi.mult.ctInitial values for the variance components in Model 3
phi.mult.itInitial values for the variance components in Model 2
print.mmePrint objects of class mme
prmuEstimated mean and probabilities for Model 1
prmu.timeEstimated mean and probabilities for Model 2 and 3
simdataDataset for Model 1
simdata2Dataset for Model 2
simdata3Dataset for Model 3
sPhikfFisher information matrix and score vectors of the variance...
sPhikf.ctFisher information matrix and score vectors of the variance...
sPhikf.itFisher information matrix and score vectors of the variance...
wmatrixModel variance-covariance matrix of the multinomial mixed...
mme documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:46 a.m.