Man pages for mnreadR
MNREAD Parameters Estimation and Curve Plotting

accIndexReading ACCessibility Index (ACC) calculation
curveParam_RSStandard estimation of Maximum Reading Speed (MRS) and...
curveParam_RTStandard estimation of Maximum Reading Speed (MRS) and...
data_low_visionMNREAD data collected in subjects with low vision.
data_normal_visionMNREAD data collected in subjects with normal vision.
logMARcorrectPrint size correction for non-standard viewing distance
mnreadCurveMNREAD curve plotting.
mnreadParamStandard MNREAD parameters' estimation
mnreadRmnreadR: An R package for analyzing MNREAD data
nlmeCurvePlot individual MNREAD fitted curves as estimated by a...
nlmeModelMNREAD data fitting using a nonlinear mixed-effect (NLME)...
nlmeParamMaximum Reading Speed (MRS) and Critical Print Size (CPS)...
nlmePredict_PSEstimation of the print size value necessary to achieve a...
nlmePredict_RSEstimation of the reading speed achieved for a given print...
readingAcuityReading Acuity (RA) calculation
readingSpeedReading speed calculation corrected for the number of errors
readingSpeed_nonCorrectedReading speed calculation not corrected for the number of...
mnreadR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:34 a.m.