solveGmm-methods: ~~ Methods for Function 'solveGmm' in Package 'momentfit' ~~

solveGmm-methodsR Documentation

~~ Methods for Function solveGmm in Package momentfit ~~


The main function to get the GMM solution for a given weighting matrix.


## S4 method for signature 'linearModel,momentWeights'
solveGmm(object, wObj, theta0=NULL,

## S4 method for signature 'allNLModel,momentWeights'
solveGmm(object, wObj, theta0=NULL,
algo=c("optim","nlminb"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'rnonlinearModel,momentWeights'
solveGmm(object, wObj, theta0=NULL,

## S4 method for signature 'slinearModel,sysMomentWeights'
solveGmm(object, wObj, theta0=NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'rslinearModel,sysMomentWeights'
solveGmm(object, wObj, theta0=NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'snonlinearModel,sysMomentWeights'
solveGmm(object, wObj,
theta0=NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'sfunctionModel,sysMomentWeights'
solveGmm(object, wObj,
theta0=NULL, ...)



A moment-based model


The vector of coefficients for the starting values used in optim. If NULL, the starting values in the object if used. For system of equations, it is a list of vectors.


An object of class "momentWeights" or "sysMomentWeights".


The numerical algorithm to minimize the objective function.


Arguments to pass to optim.


A list with the following:


The vector of solution


convergence code. 0 means normal convergence. For higher numbers, see optim


signature(object = "allNLMoment", wObj = "momentWeights")

Method to solve either nonlinear regressions or models in which moments are computed with a function. The objective is minimized using optim.

signature(object = "rnonlinearModel", wObj = "momentWeights")

Method to solve restricted nonlinear models. It computes the analytical solution.

signature(object = "linearModel", wObj = "momentWeights")

Method to solve linear models. It computes the analytical solution.

signature(object = "slinearModel", wObj = "sysMomentWeights")

Method to solve system of linear models. It computes the analytical solution.

signature(object = "rslinearModel", wObj = "sysMomentWeights")

Method to solve system of linear models in which restrictions have been imposed on the coefficients. It computes the analytical solution.

signature(object = "slinearModel", wObj = "sysMomentWeights")

Method to solve system of nonlinear models. The solution is obtained with optim using the analytical derivatives.


theta <- c(beta0=1,beta1=2)
model1 <- momentModel(y~x1, ~z1+z2, data=simData)

## A manual two-step GMM
w0 <- evalWeights(model1, w="ident")
theta0 <- solveGmm(model1, w0)$theta
w <- evalWeights(model1, theta0)
theta1 <- solveGmm(model1, w)$theta 

momentfit documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:30 p.m.