Man pages for mopa
Species Distribution MOdeling with Pseudo-Absences

add_legendAdd legend to the figure returned by 'varianceSummary'.
AUCextentFitNon-linear model fitting for extracting an index of the...
backgroundGridCreate background coordinates from raster object
backgroundRadiusBackground extent restriction for a sequence of distances
bindPresAbsBind presences and absences
biomatMatrix with variables for modelling
boundingCoordsBounding box coordinates of xy records
cutTSSCut value of the max TSS
delimitDelimit study area and background coordinates
depthLevel depth in a list
depthLengthDepth length in a list
depthnamesDepth length in a list
depthnames1Depth names in a list 1
extractFromModelExtrac objects from lists returned by function 'mopaTrain'
extractFromModel0Internal function to extrac objects from lists returned by...
extractFromPredictionExtract values from objects or list of objects
kfoldStratified random partitioning into subsets
leaveOneOutLeave out a different subset for test each fold
modeloSpecies distribution modeling and cross validation
modsFitted models
mopaPredictModel prediction
mopaPredict0Internal function for model prediction
mopaTrainEasy species distribution modeling and cross validation
mopaTrain0Easy species distribution modeling and cross validation
nicheOverNiche overlap
Oak_phylo2Oak distribution
OCSVMprofilingEnvironmental profiling with One-Classification Support...
pseudoAbsencesPseudo-absence data generation
pseudoAbsences0Pseudo-absences internal
Q_pubescensQuercus pubsencens distribution
TSS.StatInternarl function for cutTSS
varianceAnalysisVariance analysis of RasterStack objects
varianceSummarySummary of the variance analysis results.
wrldWorld map
mopa documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:47 a.m.