FLXMCvMF: Flexmix Driver for Mixtures of von Mises-Fisher Distributions

View source: R/FLXMCvMF.R

FLXMCvMFR Documentation

Flexmix Driver for Mixtures of von Mises-Fisher Distributions


This driver for flexmix implements estimation of mixtures of von Mises-Fisher distributions where the data can be stored in a dense or a simple triplet matrix (package slam) format.


FLXMCvMF(formula = . ~ ., kappa = NULL)



a formula which is interpreted relative to the formula specified in the call to flexmix using update.formula. Only the left-hand side (response) of the formula is used. Default is to use the original flexmix model formula.


see the control argument of movMF



An object of class "FLXMCvMF".


Bettina Grün


if (requireNamespace("flexmix", quietly = TRUE)) {
## Generate and fit a "small-mix" data set a la Banerjee et al.
mu <- rbind(c(-0.251, -0.968),
            c(0.399, 0.917))
kappa <- c(4, 4)
theta <- kappa * mu
alpha <- c(0.48, 0.52)
## Generate a sample of size n = 50 from the von Mises-Fisher mixture
## with the above parameters.
x <- rmovMF(50, theta, alpha)
## Fit a von Mises-Fisher mixture with the "right" number of components,
## using 10 EM runs.
y2 <- flexmix::stepFlexmix(x ~ 1, k = 2, model = FLXMCvMF(), verbose = FALSE)
## Inspect the fitted parameters:
## Compare the fitted classes to the true ones:
table(True = attr(x, "z"), Fitted = flexmix::clusters(y2))
## To use a common kappa:
y2cv <- flexmix::stepFlexmix(x ~ 1, k = 2,
  model = FLXMCvMF(kappa = list(common = TRUE)), verbose = FALSE)
## To use a common kappa fixed to the true value of 4:
y2cf <- flexmix::stepFlexmix(x ~ 1, k = 2,
  model = FLXMCvMF(kappa = 4), verbose = FALSE)
## Comparing solutions via BIC:
sapply(list(y2, y2cf, y2cv), BIC)
##  Use a different kappa solver:
y2a <- flexmix::stepFlexmix(x ~ 1, k = 2,
  model = FLXMCvMF(kappa = "uniroot"), verbose = FALSE)
## Using a sparse matrix:
x <- slam::as.simple_triplet_matrix(x)
y2 <- flexmix::stepFlexmix(x ~ 1, k = 2,
  model = FLXMCvMF(), verbose = FALSE)

movMF documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:01 p.m.