Man pages for moveVis
Movement Data Visualization

add_colourscaleAdd scale to frames
add_ggAdd 'ggplot2' function to frames
add_labelsAdd labels to frames
add_northarrowAdd north arrow to frames
add_progressAdd progress bar to frames
add_scalebarAdd scalebar to frames
add_textAdd static or dynamic text to frames
add_timestampsAdd timestamps to frames
align_moveAlign movement data
animate_framesAnimate frames
basemap_dataExample manipulated NDVI data
deprecatedDeprecated functions
df2moveConvert a data.frame into a move or moveStack object
frames_graphCreate frames of movement-environment interaction graphs for...
frames_spatialCreate frames of spatial movement maps for animation
get_frametimesGet frame times from frames
get_maptypesGet all supported map types
join_framesJoin multiple frames lists into a single frames list
move_dataExample simulated movement tracks
moveVis-packageTools to visualize movement data in R
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
settingsmoveVis settings
subset_moveSubset a 'move' or 'moveStack' object by a given time span
suggest_formatsSuggest known file formats
view_spatialView movements on an interactive map
whitestork_dataWhite Stork LifeTrack tracks
moveVis documentation built on March 31, 2020, 5:08 p.m.