Man pages for movecost
Calculation of Slope-Dependant Accumulated Cost Surface, Least-Cost Paths, Least-Cost Corridors, Least-Cost Networks Related to Human Movement Across the Landscape

create_barrier_csCreate barrier cost surface
destin.locDataset: locations on the volcano Maunga Whau (Auckland, New...
Etna_boundaryDataset: bounding polygon representing a study area on Mount...
Etna_end_locationDataset: locations on Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy)
Etna_start_locationDataset: location on Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy)
malta_dtm_40Dataset: Malta DTM (40m cell size)
moveallocR function for calculating slope-dependant walking-cost...
moveboundR function for calculating slope-dependant walking cost...
movecompR function for comparing least-cost paths generated using...
movecorrR function for calculating least-cost corridor between point...
movecostR function for calculating accumulated anisotropic...
movenetwR function for calculating least-cost path network
moverankR function for calculating sub-optimal least-cost paths...
springsDataset: location of springs in Malta
volcDataset: raster dataset representing the elevation of the...
volc.locDataset: location on the volcano Maunga Whau (Auckland, New...
movecost documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:59 a.m.