
Defines functions mpbart

Documented in mpbart

mpbart <- function(formula, train.data, test.data = NULL, base = NULL,
                   varying = NULL, sep=".", 
                   Prior = NULL, Mcmc = NULL, 
                   seedvalue = NULL)
#'Multinomial Probit Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
#'Multinomial probit modeling using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees,
#'@param formula response ~ choice speccific covariates | demographic covariates. If there are no, demographic variables use  response ~ choice specific covariates| ~ 1. If there are no choice specific covariates, use  response ~ 1 | demographic covariates
#'@param train.data Training Data in wide format (for details on wide format, see documentation in R package \pkg{mlogit}),
#'@param test.data Test Data in wide format, typically without the response,
#'@param base base choice. Default is the highest class/choice,
#'@param varying The indeces of the variables that are alternative specific,
#'@param sep The seperator of the variable name and the alternative name in the choice specific covariates. For example a covariate name variabl1.choice1 indicates a separator of dot (.).
#'@param Prior List of Priors for MPBART: e.g., Prior = list(nu=p+2,  V= diag(p - 1), ntrees=200,  kfac=2.0,  pbd=1.0, pb=0.5 , beta = 2.0, alpha = 0.95, nc = 100, priorindep = FALSE,  minobsnode = 10).
#'The comonents of Prior are
#' \itemize{
#'\item nu 
#'@param Mcmc List of MCMC starting values, burn-in ...: e.g.,     list(sigma0 = diag(p - 1), keep = 1, burn = 100, ndraws = 1000, keep_sigma_draws=FALSE)
#'@param seedvalue random seed value, default of 99 will be used if null,
#'@return class_prob_train training data choice/class probabilities,
#'@return predicted_class_train training data predicted choices/classes,
#'@return class_prob_test test data choice/class probabilities,
#'@return predicted_class_test test data predicted choices/classes,
#'@return sigmasample posterior samples of the latent variable covariance matrix.
#'@import bayesm mlbench mlogit cvTools stats
#' \dontrun{library(mpbart)}
#' set.seed(9)
#' data(Fishing)
#' table(Fishing$mode)
#' folds = cvFolds(n = nrow(Fishing), K = 10, R = 1,
#'                 type = "random");
#' Fishing$fold = sample(folds$which)
#' Fishing$logincome = log(Fishing$income)
#' FishingTrain <- Fishing[Fishing$fold != 1,]
#' FishingTest <- Fishing[Fishing$fold == 1,]
#' burn <- 100
#' ndraws <- 200 # a higher number such as 1500 is better
#' p = 4 
#' #'four choices
#' sigma0 <- diag(p-1)
#' Mcmc1 <- list(sigma0=sigma0, burn = burn, ndraws = ndraws)
#' Prior1 <- list( nu=p-1,
#'                 V = .5*diag(p-1),
#'                 ntrees = 5, # ntrees >= 50 is probably more appropriate
#'                 kfac = 3.0, 
#'                 pbd = 1.0, 
#'                 pb = 0.5, 
#'                 alpha = 0.95,  
#'                 beta =  3.0, 
#'                 nc = 100, 
#'                 priorindep = FALSE, 
#'                 minobsnode = 10)
#' out <- mpbart(as.factor(mode) ~ price + catch | logincome,
#'     train.data =  FishingTrain, 
#'     test.data =  FishingTest,
#'     base = 'boat', 
#'     varying = 2:9,
#'     sep = ".",
#'     Prior = Prior1, 
#'     Mcmc = Mcmc1, 
#'     seedvalue = 99)
#' table(as.character(FishingTrain$mode), as.character(out$predicted_class_train))
#' table(as.character(FishingTest$mode), as.character(out$predicted_class_test))
#' test_err <- sum(as.character(FishingTest$mode) != 
#'  as.character(out$predicted_class_test))/length(FishingTest$mode)
#' cat("test error :", test_err )
#'# ############## Waveform recognition classification example
#'# set.seed(64)
#'# library(mpbart)
#'# p=3
#'# train_wave = mlbench.waveform(300)
#'# test_wave = mlbench.waveform(500)
#'# traindata = data.frame(train_wave$x, y = train_wave$classes) 
#'# testdata = data.frame(test_wave$x, y = test_wave$classes)
#'# sigma0 = diag(p-1)
#'# burn = 100
#'# ndraws <- 200 # a higher number such as 1500 is better#'# 
#'# Mcmc1=list(sigma0=sigma0, burn = burn, ndraws = ndraws)
#'# Prior1 = list(nu=p+2,
#'#               V=(p+2)*diag(p-1),
#'#               ntrees = 100, 
#'#               kfac = 2.0, 
#'#               pbd = 1.0, 
#'#               pb = 0.5, 
#'#               alpha = 0.99,  
#'#               beta =  2.0, 
#'#               nc = 200, 
#'#               priorindep = FALSE)
#'# out <- mpbart(as.factor(y) ~ 1 | .,
#'#               train.data =  traindata, 
#'#               test.data =  testdata,
#'#               base = NULL, 
#'#               varying = NULL,
#'#               sep = NULL,
#'#               Prior = Prior1, 
#'#               Mcmc = Mcmc1, 
#'#               seedvalue = 99)
#'# # #The above output can alternatively be obtained via:			  
#'# # out <- mpbart(as.factor(y) ~ 1 | X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + 
#'# #                 X7 + X8 + X9 + X11 + X12 + X13 +
#'# #                 X14 + X15 + X16 + X17 + X18 + X19 +
#'# #                 X20 + X21,
#'# #               train.data =  traindata, 
#'# #               test.data =  testdata,
#'# #               base = NULL, 
#'# #               varying = NULL,
#'# #               sep = NULL,
#'# #               Prior = Prior1, 
#'# #               Mcmc = Mcmc1, 
#'# #               seedvalue = 99)
#'# # 
#'# # 
#'# # confusion matrix train
#'# table(traindata$y, out$predicted_class_train)
#'# #confusion matrix test
#'# table(testdata$y, out$predicted_class_test)
#'# test_err <- sum(testdata$y != out$predicted_class_test)/
#'#   sum(table(testdata$y == out$predicted_class_test))
#'# cat("test error :", test_err )
#' \dontrun{END}


} else {

mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

out <- mpbart_call(formula = formula, 
                  data = train.data,
                  base = base, 
                  test.data = test.data,
                  Prior = Prior, Mcmc = Mcmc, 
                  varying = varying, sep = sep)

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mpbart documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:26 a.m.