Man pages for mpcmp
Mean-Parametrized Conway-Maxwell Poisson (COM-Poisson) Regression

AIC.cmpAkaike's Information Criterion
attendanceAttendance data set
augment.cmpAugment data with information from a(n) CMP model object
autoplot.cmpPlot Diagnostic for a 'glm.cmp' Object in ggplot style
CBINDCombine R Objects by Columns
cmplrtestLikelihood Ratio Test for nested COM-Poisson models
coef.cmpExtract Model Coefficients from a COM-Poisson Model Fit
comp_expected_valuesFunctions to Compute Various Expected Values for the...
comp_lambdasSolve for Lambda for a Particular Mean Parametrized...
comp_mu_loglikCalculate the Log-Likelihood of the COM-Poisson model
COM_Poisson_DistributionThe Conway-Maxwell-Poisson (COM-Poisson) Distribution.
confint.cmpConfidence Intervals for CMP Model Parameters
cottonbollsCotton Bolls data set
fishFish data set
fit_glm_cmp_const_nuFit a Mean Parametrized Conway-Maxwell Poisson Generalized...
fit_glm_cmp_vary_nuFit a Mean Parametrized Conway-Maxwell Poisson Generalized...
fitted.cmpExtract Fitted Values from a COM-Poisson Model Fit
getnuParameter Generator for nu
glance.cmpGlance at a(n) CMP model object
glm.cmpFit a Mean Parametrized Conway-Maxwell Poisson Generalized...
is.wholenumberTest for a whole number
logLik.cmpExtract the (Maximized) Log-Likelihood from a COM-Poisson...
logZCalculate the Normalizing Constant in log scale for...
logZ_cCalculate the Normalizing Constant in log scale for...
LRTnuLikelihood Ratio Test for nu = 1 of a COM-Poisson model
model.frame.cmpExtract the Model Frame from a COM-Poisson Model Fit
model.matrix.cmpExtract the Design Matrix from a COM-Poisson Model Fit
mpcmp-packageMean-parametrized Conway-Maxwell Poisson Regression
nobs.cmpExtract the Number of Observation from a COM-Poisson Model...
nrPITNon-randomized Probability Integral Transform
PIT_ggPlotggplot version of PIT Plots for a CMP Object
PIT_PlotPIT Plots for a CMP Object
plot.cmpPlot Diagnostic for a 'glm.cmp' Object
predict.cmpModel Predictions for a 'glm.cmp' Object
print.cmpPrint Values of COM-Poisson Model
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
regression.diagnostic.cmpCMP Regression Diagnostic
residuals.cmpExtract COM-Poisson Model Residuals
rPITRandom Normal Probability Integral Transform
sitophilusSitophilus data set
summary.cmpSummarizing COM-Poisson Model Fit
takeoverbidsTakeover Bids data set
tidy.cmpTidy a(n) CMP model object
update.cmpUpdate and Re-fit a COM-Poisson Model
vcov.cmpExtracting the Variance-Covariance Matrix from a COM-Poisson...
ZCalculate the Normalizing Constant for COM-Poisson...
mpcmp documentation built on Oct. 26, 2020, 9:07 a.m.