Man pages for mscstts
R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services 'Text-to-Speech' REST API

ms_create_ssmlCreate SSML for Passing to Synthesize
ms_get_tts_keyFind API Key for Microsoft Text To Speech (TTS) or Cognitive...
ms_get_tts_tokenGet Microsoft Text To Speech (TTS) or Cognitive Services...
ms_language_to_ms_nameLanguage and Gender to Microsoft Voice Name
ms_list_voicesList Voices
ms_locale_namesNames of Microsoft Locales
ms_localesLocales for Microsoft Translate
ms_locales_dfDetailed Names of Microsoft Locales and Voices
ms_read_synthesisRead Synthesized output
ms_synthesizeGet Microsoft Text To Speech (TTS) or Cognitive Services...
print.tokenPrint method for token
mscstts documentation built on June 10, 2022, 5:11 p.m.