Man pages for mstR
Procedures to Generate Patterns under Multistage Testing

eapEstEAP ability estimation (dichotomous and polytomous IRT...
eapSemStandard error of EAP ability estimation (dichotomous and...
genDichoMatrixItem bank generation (dichotomous models)
genPatternRandom generation of item response patterns under dichotomous...
genPolyMatrixItem bank generation (polytomous models)
IiItem information functions, first and second derivatives...
integrate.mstRNumerical integration by linear interpolation (for mstR...
JiFunction J(theta) for weighted likelihood estimation...
MKLModule Kullback-Leibler (MKL) and posterior module...
MWMIMaximum likelihood weighted module information (MLWMI) and...
nextModuleSelection of the next module in MST
PiItem response probabilities, first, second and third...
randomMSTRandom generation of multistage tests (dichotomous and...
semThetaStandard error of ability estimation (dichotomous and...
startModuleSelection of the first module in MST
testListMSTTesting the format of the MST input lists
thetaEstAbility estimation (dichotomous and polytomous models)
mstR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:28 a.m.