summary.mudens: Display the most important input parameters used in calling...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also


It also displays some of the output data. Common to all three methods: (1) number of observations, (2) number of censored observations, (3) bandwidth method used (global, local or nearest neighbor), (4) boundary correction type (none, left only, both left and right), (5) kernel type (rectangle, Epanechnikov, biquadradic, triquadratic), (6) minimum time, (7) maximum time, (8) number of points in MSE minimization grid, (9) number of points in estimation grid, (10) pilot bandwidth, (11) estimated IMSE for optimal bandwidth.

This function will also report the following two results for different selections of methods: (12) Smoothing Bandwidth and (13) Optimal Number of Nearest Neighbor. If bw.method="global", this function will display the optimal global bandwidth. If bw.method="knn", it will show optimal number of nearest neighbors. If bw.method="local" and bw.method="knn", the summary result will include the smoothing bandwidth used to smooth the optimal local bandwidths.


## S3 method for class 'mudens'
summary(object, ...)



object of class mudens (output from calling mudens(.) function)


Additional arguments to be passed along.


Display the most important input parameters used in calling the 'mudens' function


The summary result for mudens estimation


Kenneth R. Hess


Hess, K.R. and Zhong, M. Density Function Estimation for Possibly Right-Censored Data Using Kernel Functions. Submitted.

See Also


mudens documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:30 a.m.