plotLetters: plot multcomp displays

plotLettersR Documentation

plot multcomp displays


Helper functions for plot.multcompTs and plot.multcompLetters. These not intended to be called directly and are hidden in a namespace. You can use 'getAnywhere' to see them.


  label.levels, = "mono",
  fig = par("fig"),
  mar = par("mar"),



a matrix describing which levels (rows) will be plotted with which groups (columns). For plotTs and plotBoxes, obj is a matrix of numbers from (-1, 0, 1). For plotLetters, obj is a logical matrix = TRUE if that "letter" (group or column of obj) is to be plotted with that level (row of obj).


an array with one row for each level and 3 columns giving low, middle and high levels for the display for that level.


A logical scalar indicating whether the list of items compared reads left to right (horizontal = TRUE) or top to bottom (horizontal = FALSE). If this multcomp graphic accompanies boxplots for different levels or groups compared, the 'boxplot' argument 'horizontal' is the negation of the multcomp plot 'horizontal' argument.


The color for each group of items or factor levels. The colors will cross the different items or factor levels and will therefore have the orientation specified via 'horizontal'. If the number of columns exceeds length(col), col is recycled. For alternative choices for col, see "Color Specification" in the par help page.


TRUE to add to an existing plot; FALSE to start a new plot. The names of the factor levels or items compared will be plotted only if add=FALSE.


Distance from the plot region to print the names of the levels as a proportion of the plot range; NA for no level labels.

character string naming the font family used by "plotLetters". This function plots the different "Letters" in different colors by plotting one color at a time. It's currently not smart enough to align the letters properly except by assuming a mono-spaced font.


figure region = (x0, x1, y0, y1) as a proportion of the device region.


margin = (lower, left, upper, right) in lines.


graphical parameters can be given as described on the plot help page or the gpar help page.


The requested graphic is either plotted by itself or added to an existing plot as specified by the arguments.

"plotTs" and "plotBoxes" use traditional R graphics and will not be discussed further here.

"plotLetters" uses 'grid' graphics, because it seems to provide more support for controlling the side-by-side placement of "Letters" of possibly different colors and widths. The "Letters" display will be positioned in the "plot region" defined by fig and mar, assuming the entire device region is 37 lines both wide and tall. Thus, the plot region is diff(fig[1:2])*37 lines wide and diff(fig(1:2])*37 lines high. If, for example, fig = c(0.9, 1, 0, 1), this makes the plot region 3.7 lines wide. With the default mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2)+0.1 lines, the "width" of the plot region is therefore 3.7 - (4.1+2.1) = (-2.5) lines. "plotLetters" initially ignores this contradictory negative width, and centers the plot at the midpoint of h0 = fig[1]+mar[2]/37, h1 = fig[2]-mar[4]/37, v0 = fig[3]+mar[1]/37, and v1 = fig[4]-mar[3]/37. The "Letters" for the different levels compared are rescaled from at[, "center"] to fit inside At.rng = if(horizontal) c(h0, h1) else c(v0, v1). With "n" levels compared and at.rng = range(at[, "center"]), at[, "center"] is expanded to (at.rng+/-0.5) and rescaled to match At.rng; if(diff(At.rng)<=0), an error message is issued.

Meanwhile, the "Letters" are centered at the midpoint of W.rng = if(horizontal) c(v0, v1) else v(h0, h1) [the opposite of At.rng]; the argument "width" used by plotTs and plotBoxes is not used (and not even accepted) by plotLetters. If(label.levels), these are positioned in the midpoint of the right margin in the "W" direction.




Spencer Graves

See Also

plot.multcompTs plot.multcompLetters gpar


# Designed to be called from plot.multcompTs
# or plot.multcompLetters, NOT directly by users.  

multcompView documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:01 p.m.