Man pages for multdyn
Multiregression Dynamic Models

binom.nettestPerformes a binomial test with FDR correction for network...
centerMean centers timeseries in a 2D array timeseries x nodes,...
corTsCorrelation of time series.
dlm.lplCalculate the log predictive likelihood for a specified set...
dlmLplCppC++ implementation of the
exhaustive.searchA function for an exhaustive search, calculates the optimum...
getAdjacencyGet adjacency and associated likelihoods (LPL) and disount...
getModelGet specific parent model from all models.
getThreshAdjGet thresholded adjacency network.
getWinnerGet winner network by maximazing log predictive likelihood...
gplotMatPlots network as adjacency matrix.
mdm.groupA group is a list containing restructured data from subejcts...
model.generatorA function to generate all the possible models.
mytsNetwork simulation data.
nodeRuns exhaustive search on a single node and saves results in...
patel.groupA group is a list containing restructured data from subejcts...
perfPerformance of estimates, such as sensitivity, specificity,...
perm.testPermutation test for Patel's kappa. Creates a distribution of...
priors.specSpecify the priors. Without inputs, defaults will be used.
read.subjectReads single subject's network from txt files.
reshapeTsReshapes a 2D concatenated time series into 3D according to...
rmdiagRemoves diagnoal from matrix with NAs.
rmnaRemoves NAs from matrix.
scaleTsScaling data. Zero centers and scales the nodes (SD=1).
stepwise.backwardStepise backward non-exhaustive greedy search, calculates the...
stepwise.combineStepise combine: combines the stepwise forward and the...
stepwise.forwardStepise forward non-exhaustive greedy search, calculates the...
subjectEstimate subject's full network: runs exhaustive search on...
utestdataResults from v.1.0 for unit tests.
multdyn documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:43 p.m.