Man pages for multiRDPG
Multiple Random Dot Product Graphs

aplusfunCalculates positive semi-definite part of a matrix
calculateLRstat'calculateLRstat' calculates the likelihood ratio statistic
calculateobjfun'calculateobjfun' calculates the objective function
multiRDPGFitting Multiple Random Dot Product Graphs
multiRDPG_testPerforms test based on Multiple Random Dot Product Graph
nullestimation'nullestimation' calculates the estimation under the null...
plot.multiRDPGfitPlots object from 'multiRDPG'
plot.multiRDPGtestPlots object from 'multiRDPG_test'
print.multiRDPGfitPrint object from 'multiRDPG'
print.multiRDPGtestPrint object from 'multiRDPG_test'
swapA'swapA' swaps the elements of A at random
updateL'updateL' updates all Lambda
updateU'updateU' calculates the U update
multiRDPG documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:06 p.m.