Man pages for multiband
Period Estimation for Multiple Bands

bcd_allRun BCD on all frequencies
bcd_expressRun BCD on a subset of frequencies
bcd_inexactInexact Block coordinate descent
cepiiLight curve data from two bands
get_freqsConstruct grid of frequencies
gradient_checkCheck Gradients
lomb_scargleLomb Scargle method
mm_phase_objMajorization for phase
pglsPenalized Generalized Lomb-Scargle
pnllPenalized negative log likelihood
single_band_lomb_scargleSingle band Lomb-Scargle
synthetic_multibandGenerate Synthetic Multiband Data
update_amplitudeUpdate Amplitude parameter
update_betaUpdate Intercept beta
update_beta_gammaUpdate Beta0 parameter
update_LipschitzUpdate Lipschitz constant for phase majorization
update_rho_inexactUpdate Phase parameter
update_zetaUpdate working response in rho update
multiband documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:30 a.m.