Man pages for multifamm
Multivariate Functional Additive Mixed Models

compute_varCompute the Number of FPCs needed
conduct_mfpcaConduct the MFPCA
extract_componentsExtract Model Components to be Compared
extract_components_uniExtract Model Components to be Compared from Univariate Model
extract_var_infoExtract Variance Information from MFPCA Object
multiFAMMMultivariate Functional Additive Mixed Model Regression
phoneticPhonetic data
phonetic_subsetPhonetic data (subset)
predict_meanPredict The Mean Function For the FPC Plots
prepare_mfpcaPrepare Information Necessary for MFPCA
prune_mfpcPrune the MFPC object to include only a prespecified level of...
refit_for_weightsRefit the model under an independence assumption
snookerSnooker data
multifamm documentation built on Sept. 28, 2021, 9:07 a.m.