Man pages for multilevelMatching
Propensity Score Matching and Subclassification in Observational Studies with Multi-Level Treatments

calcKMVarFactorCalculate the variance component for number of times unit is...
estimateTrtModelEstimate Treatment Model for Generalized Propensity Scores
multilevelGPSMatchMatching on GPS with multilevel treatments
multilevelGPSStratificationStratification on GPS with multilevel treatments
multilevelMatchingPropensity Score Matching and Subclassification in...
multilevelMatchXMatching on X with multilevel treatments
multiMatchMatching Estimators for Multiple Treatments from Yang et al....
nameContrastNaming the matching contrasts
nameMuNaming the matching population mean mu's
prepareDataPrepare data for estimation
print.multiMatchPrints a summary of the estimates from a multiMatch object
simulated_dataSimulated dataset for multilevelMatching package
summary.multiMatchPrints a summary of a multiMatch object
multilevelMatching documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:02 p.m.