Man pages for multiwave
Estimation of Multivariate Long-Memory Models Parameters

brainHCPTime series obtained by an fMRI experiment on the brain
compute_njWavelets coefficients utilities
DWTexactExact discrete wavelet decomposition
fivarmasimulation of FIVARMA process
K_evalEvaluation of function K
mfwmultivariate Fourier Whittle estimators
mfw_cov_evalmultivariate Fourier Whittle estimators
mfw_evalevaluation of multivariate Fourier Whittle estimator
multiwave-packageEstimation of multivariate long-memory models parameters:...
mwwmultivariate wavelet Whittle estimation
mww_cov_evalmultivariate wavelet Whittle estimation of the long-run...
mww_evalevaluation of multivariate wavelet Whittle estimation
mww_wavmultivariate wavelet Whittle estimation for data as wavelet...
mww_wav_cov_evalmultivariate wavelet Whittle estimation of the long-run...
mww_wav_evalmultivariate wavelet Whittle estimation for data as wavelet...
psi_hat_exactdiscrete Fourier transform of the wavelet
scaling_filterwavelet scaling filter coefficients
scaling_functionscaling function and the wavelet function
toeplitz_nonsymTransform a vector in a non symmetric Toeplitz matrix
varmasimulation of multivariate ARMA process
vfracdiffsimulation of vector fractional differencing process
multiwave documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:02 a.m.