QuadRules: nodes and weights for 1D - Gauss-Quadrature

QuadRulesR Documentation

nodes and weights for 1D - Gauss-Quadrature


This data set stores nodes an weights for Gauss-Quadrature. Syntax:


  • type="GLe" Gauss-Legendre; interval [0,1]; max-level 45

  • type="nLe" nested-type Gauss-Legendre; interval [0,1]; max-level 25

  • type="GKr" Gauss-Kronrod; interval [0,1]; max-level 29

  • type="GLa" Gauss-Laguere; interval [0, Inf); max-level 30

  • type="GHe" Gauss-Hermite; interval (-Inf, Inf); max-level 45

  • type="GHN" Gauss-Hermite (as above, but pre-multiplied weights \hat(w)_i = w_i * \phi(x_i))

  • type="nHe" nested-type Gauss-Hermite; interval (-Inf, Inf) max-level 25

  • type="nHN" nested-type Gauss-Hermite (as above, but pre-multiplied weights \hat(w)_i = w_i * \phi(x_i))

  • type="Leja" Leja-points; interval [0,1]; max-level 141


list of nodes and weights (for organisation see "Syntax" in description section)


- http://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/1329114617 high precission computing (for G..-rules)

- further information in createNIGrid


nw <- QuadRules[["GHe"]][[2]]

mvQuad documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 5:06 p.m.